Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cesky Krumlov

April 19/08 - After Hluboka, Mike dropped us just outside the royal garden of Cesky Krumlov castle, so we only had to walk down and meet up with him later in the parking lot below the castle. For other tourists, they had to walk up to the castle which is up on the hill.

The view of the bohemian town from the castle was beautiful. However, the town's medieval buildings looked too new - too perfect. The town is surrounded by the Vltava river in a U shape bend (just like Aare river around Bern).

Bought tickets for the guided tour which started at the chapel and ended at the Masquerede Hall. After the guided tour, we left the castle through the main entrance which had moat with bears inside.

The town was pleasant to explore on foot. We found our way to St Vitus, the town square and a garden which had wonderful view of the castle. We wondered how it was like in the past, the town people went about their business with the castle people looking down at them and how the town folks looked up at the castle and wondered what it was like living up there.

We also found a "free toilet". Yes, as the sign said - the toilet was free and reasonably clean.
We had wanted to see how the town looked like in the dark - no such chance, at 8 pm it was still very bright. We gave up waiting for the sky to turn dark. Maybe next time, we will return for a night's stay.

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